Google says it won’t be introducing fact checking on its services
Facebook officially abandonned its in-house efforts at fact checking and Google has said, in a letter to the EU, that it has no plans to introduce it in the first place.
The EU wants to make a previously voluntary code of conduct for technology platforms mandatory. For Google this wouild mean flagging misinformation and disinformation in search and on videos posted to YouTube.
The code was introduced in 2022 and becomes part of the Digital Services Act (DSA). Therefore, the EU is trying to implement measures in cooperation with the relevant technology platforms.
Google itself has not done its own fact-checking so far, nor will it do so. The European Code of Practice is “simply inadequate for our services”.
Google pointed to some of its existing practices, such as users be able to make contextual comments on YouTube videos.
Google stressed that it will continue to invest in improving current content moderation.
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