Pro SolarWinds hackers breach Microsoft support agent to target customers Nobelium engaged in password spray and brute-force attacks after implanting malware on a device belonging to a Microsoft employee 28 Jun
Pro North Korean hackers target nuclear research centre The attack on a South Korean government-funded research institute has been described as “a massive security breach” 18 Jun
Pro Ransomware criminals look to other hackers to provide them with network access Report says ransomware gangs are buying access from hackers planting backdoors 17 Jun
Pro Avaddon ransomware gang shuts down and releases decryption keys Avaddon is the latest hacking group to have suspend operations, following in the footsteps of DarkSide and Maze 14 Jun
Pro ‘Majority’ of ransom paid by Colonial Pipeline recovered 63.7 bitcoins worth $2.3m have been seized after a warrant was authorised by judge 8 Jun
Radio A post-Covid climate with ICHEC’s Alistair McKinstry Predicting the best and worst case scenarious using high-powered computing 4 Jun
Pro SolarWinds hackers hit 150 organisations in new wave of attacks Microsoft warns that “nation-state cyber attacks aren’t slowing” 28 May
Pro Deadline day comes for HSE data dump Hackers threaten to start releasing masses of patient information 24 May
Pro High Court serves HSE hackers injunction to block data leak Experts working on verifying decryption key supplied by Conti group 21 May
Pro Colonial Pipeline confirms $4.4m payment to DarkSide hackers Experts view the CEO's candidness about the hack as a benefit to the cyber security industry 20 May
Pro HSE will not pay ransom after hackers name their price Chief executive confirms FBI, National Crime Agency, Europol have joined effort to trace Wizard Spider group 17 May
Pro US fuel pipeline hackers reveal their motive Colonial Pipeline was forced to suspend miles of pipeline after network breach 11 May
Pro Oldsmar cyberattack raises importance of water utility assessments, training Attempt to poison water supply highlights need for cybersecurity assistance at critical infrastructure facilities 10 Feb
Pro Four ways attackers exploit hosted services Attackers are either targeting admins for hosted services with phishing campaigns or exploiting mistakes made when setting them up. Here's what to... 7 Jan
Pro Russian state-sponsored hackers exploit vulnerability in VMware Workspace One The exploit requires the attacker to have valid credentials, but experts advise patching regardless 9 Dec
Pro Hacker-for-hire Bahamut linked to historical attack campaigns Group targets high-value victims, takes meticulous care with its own operational security 9 Oct
Pro Hackers attacked businesses 22m times in the last seven days globally Malware attacks comprised 63% of hacking attempts 22 Apr
Pro Hackers can steal Windows credentials via links in Zoom chat Attack can be prevented by making changes to the Windows settings, or by using the Zoom Web client 3 Apr
Life Zigbee vulnerability lets hackers use Philips Hue bulbs to hijack your network But your Hue bridge has likely already patched itself 6 Feb
Pro Hackers target industrial sector with free tools in new APT campaign Attackers seek to make attribution harder and use sophisticated, realistic spear-phishing emails 18 Dec
Life Remote hackers can modify CPU voltage to steal secrets from Intel SGX enclaves By manipulating the voltage of Intel CPUs that use SGX, researchers can extract sensitive data, including full RSA encryption keys, from memory 11 Dec
Pro How a nuclear plant got hacked Plugging nuclear plants into the internet makes them vulnerable targets for nation-state attack 10 Dec
Pro EDR stops hackers in their tracks Endpoint detection and response goes beyond antivirus, spotting and reacting to suspicious activity 11 Nov
Pro Microsoft finds Russia-linked attacks exploiting IoT devices Default passwords, unpatched devices, poor inventory of IoT gear led to exploits by STRONTIUM 7 Aug
Life Hackers get access to Hotmail, e-mail accounts Redmond advises all users to change their passwords 16 Apr
Pro Data breaches exposed 5bn records in 2018 New report shows a downward trend in breaches and exposed records 18 Feb
Blogs Bigger collections, bigger threats The recent discovery of vast collections of stolen identities are perplexing. Just what are the blackhats up to? 14 Feb
Pro Second, massive Collections leak of 2.2bn e-mail addresses probably has your information Changing your password, enabling 2FA, and use a password manager in light of new "Collections #2-#5" leak 1 Feb
Pro Cylance researchers discover powerful new nation-state APT New APT, dubbed ‘White Company’, is likely Middle Eastern, but betrays impressions of US-trained personnel 13 Nov
Trade Cyber criminals outspending industry by 10 times New research shows the extent of criminal efforts 14 Sep
Pro Cyber security: learning from the hackers The Black Report, talking to pen-testers and hackers, reveals claims of network compromise within a day 20 Jul
Pro Signs of an advanced persistent threat attack Valuable data on your network? Odd network behaviour spotted? You may have been the victim of an APT attack 26 Apr
Blogs Hackers and horror The grim reality of the extremes of war and the consequences of hacking in Syria 11 Apr
Pro Distributed denial of service attacks are evolving DDoS attacks have been part of the criminal toolbox for twenty years, but are now increasing in frequency and impact 13 Mar
Pro Recent cyberattacks show worrying trends From virtual bank heists to semi-open attacks from nation-states, the last couple of years has been rough in IT security 8 Mar
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