Fergal Meehan, Paradyn with Sean Dunnion, Donegal Co. Council

Paradyn backs up critical data for Donegal Co. Council

Security services provider protects 900 Microsoft Office365 accounts, including Teams, SharePoint and OneDrive
Fergal Meehan, Paradyn with Sean Dunnion, Donegal Co. Council

13 September 2023

Cybersecurity service providers Paradyn is working with Donegal Co. Council to back up criticial data using Vault365, an all-in-one backup, ransomware, and data protection solution.

Donegal Co. Council needed to effectively back up and secure its Microsoft Office365 data to ensure compliance and eliminate the setup and maintenance of its own hardware, storage, and infrastructure. Paradyn deployed the Vault365 solution which runs in the cloud and backs up information to its own highly secure off-site data centre. The remotely stored data is immutable and cannot be compromised by potential cyberattacks on the organisation’s estate.

Paradyn’s solution is protecting sensitive information for Donegal’s 166,000 citizens. It’s also enhancing the user experience for those who engage with the council’s vital services as public information is backed up, reliable, and up-to-date.




Ongoing monitoring and management by Paradyn of the Office365 estate gives peace of mind to Donegal Co. Council that its critical assets are protected. The council also has access to a self-service portal, meaning it has full control and visibility of the solution. The solution is flexible and scalable in line with organisational growth in the future.

Paradyn is securely backing up 900 Microsoft Office365 accounts for the council across applications including Teams, SharePoint and OneDrive. As Microsoft only stores data for up to 90 days, the Vault365 solution ensures business continuity and is increasing employee productivity as data can be quickly recovered in the event of an incident. The new solution is based on a cost per user model, which is resulting in significant cost savings for the council.

Sean Dunnion, project leader, information systems, at Donegal Co. Council, said: “With Paradyn’s extensive expertise securing organisations in the public sector and local government, they were the natural fit to support on this next phase of our journey. This Vault365 solution has futureproofed our data protection and backup capabilities, and provides peace of mind that sensitive information is secure.

“Crucially, it’s helping to enhance the services we provide to citizens throughout Donegal as the solution gives us full control of our Office365 estate, while ensuring minimal downtime should an incident occur. Ultimately, the technology is built with growth in mind and will enable us to scale as needed.”

Fergal Meehan, chief commercial officer, Paradyn, said: “It’s a common misconception that Microsoft backs up customer data, which is why it’s essential for organisations to proactively protect their critical information. Vault365 eliminates the risk of losing access and control over this data, underpinned by the expert knowledge of our experienced specialists. Hackers will typically target on-site backups and having critical data stored securely in an off-site location provides an extra layer of protection.

“The Council deals with citizens’ sensitive information and provides crucial public services to the people of Donegal, and this solution enables the council to meet these needs now and into the future.”

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