Microsoft Ireland prepares roadshow for Science Week


9 November 2012

Microsoft Ireland, as part of Science Week 2012, which runs from the 11-18 of November, will be delivering a series of ‘Inspiring Careers Talks’ to highlight the opportunities available in the technology sector. Throughout the week Microsoft’s employees will visit five counties, pull up at twenty schools and speak to over 13,000 students along the way.

The talks delivered by Microsoft employees, as part of Science Week, are aimed at enthusing students about a career in the technology sector and also helping them learn about the variety of career possibilities that the technology sector presents.

Michael Meagher, academic programme manager, Microsoft Ireland, said: "Last year as part of Science Week we hosted an Inspiring Careers Day talk in our Dublin campus. Over 100 students attended and the daylong session was well received by students and teachers who attended. Following that we wanted to grow the reach of the talk – hosting it in Dublin had it’s obvious limitations so we decided this year that we’d get on the road for the week and visit as many schools and students as we could in that time. Working with the Discover Science and Engineering team we’ve been able to come up with a great route that will ultimately see us engage with over 13,000 students in five days. Our employees will be delivering the talks and driving the message to them about the potential for jobs in the sector."

Running simultaneously to our Science Week Roadshow is the WOWZAPP Windows hackathon and events aimed at third level app developers.




Dr Graham Love, director of policy and communications, Science Foundation Ireland, with responsibility for Discover Science & Engineering said: "We’re delighted that Microsoft has come on board in such a big way for this year’s Science Week. Science Week Ireland is an annual event which each year aims to make science more interesting and accessible to children and adults alike. It highlights science, technology, engineering and maths as being hugely relevant to us all in our everyday lives; that it develops cutting edge innovations, leads to interesting and exciting career options and develops creativity in our children. It’s very important to have industry leaders like Microsoft come on board for this week to ensure our message is heard."

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