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Broad spread of digital asset hosting in Ireland

Image: Stockfresh

27 August 2014

With just a few days left to go in the Host in Ireland digital asset hosting survey, some interesting results are emerging.

Around half of respondents have said that they have their own data centre facilities where they host digital assets, with a further quarter hosting off-site but within Ireland.

Of those digital assets, there is a wide range reported from general data, back-up and primary data to email, financial data and web site hosting.

Nearly two thirds of respondents said that they consider Ireland to be either favourable or optimal for digital asset hosting, and, interestingly, nearly a fifth of respondents have indicated that they use public cloud services here.

The survey is still open, with the iPad and two Google Chromecasts up for grabs for lucky entrants. Add your voice to this emerging picture of the digital asset hosting landscape in Ireland.


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