Intel closes factory with 100 job cuts


9 February 2011

Intel has confirmed that it is closing a factory at its Leixlip campus in March, which will result in the loss of 100 jobs. The facility, where Intel produces silicon microprocessors, has been running since 1993.

The announcement follows Intel’s $500 million (€366 million) investment in its Fab 14 facility in the Lexlip technology campus, last month. The company said the technology upgrade investment would create 850 construction jobs and 200 new Master’s and PhD-level jobs in roles including process engineering and software design engineering.

A spokesperson for Intel Ireland said, “Demand for the products [silicon microprocessors] produced there has come to an end. We expect all future demand for these 200mm products to be satisfied by the end of March 2011.”




The spokesperson added that more than 80% of the workforce at Fab 10 have been offered redeployment opportunities at the Fab 14, 300mm, facility, with “many” having already been transferred. The company is also offering academic bridging courses to up-skill employees to enable them to work in the newer technology.

However, the company also expects around 100 people, of a reported 500, to be made redundant.

“For those people who are not in a position to avail of the deployment option we are offering an attractive, market competitive, voluntary severance package, plus an array of assistance to help them in their career transitions,” the spokesperson said.

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