IDA encourages CAO applicants to consider industry-friendly courses


27 January 2012

As second-level students about complete their CAO forms over the coming days, IDA Ireland CEO Barry O’Leary (pictured) has asked students to consider careers in areas supported by foreign direct investment (FDI) companies.

The IDA has cited availability of skilled labour as one of the primary reasons its clients decide to establish operations in Ireland. The recently published IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook 2011 ranks Ireland first in the world for the availability of skilled labour and third for availability of financial skills.

O’Leary said: "There is a strong trend for FDI companies in Ireland winning new mandates which will require an increase in their employment levels in the future. Students planning now for their future careers need to take this growth into account and consider in which sectors the greatest FDI job opportunities will be in the coming years."

In the last year export-led multinational companies created over 13,000 jobs, a large number of them looking for graduates in science, technology, engineering, maths and languages.




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