
Guaranteed Irish backs TurboVoucher initiative in drive to grow SMEs’ online sales

SMEs encouraged to apply for government supports
(Image: Stockfresh)

25 May 2020

Guaranteed Irish has become the latest body to announce its support of eCommerce Association of Ireland (eCAI) on the launch of its new initiative TurboVoucher, which doubles the government’s Trading Online Voucher from €2,500 to €5,000.

The economic and social impact of Covid-19 has resulted in a sharp increase in Irish businesses seeking the Trading Online Voucher Scheme. The new eCAI TurboVoucher offers website packages to businesses for €2,500 with the value of work carried out by participating Web developers and experts per project expected to be worth double the cost at €5,000 each.

The purpose of this new initiative is to enable Irish based retailers to enhance their digital capability and to develop a more competitive online offer, that will enable them to build a more sustainable business in the domestic and global marketplace both online and offline.

“The good news is the government is serious about ecommerce. The Trading nline Voucher is a great step in the right direction… we estimate the true numbers seeking to pivot online this year, to be closer to 10,000,” said Niall Bodkin, head, eCommerce Association of Ireland.

A recent study by IE Domain Registry analysing Irish SMEs and consumers’ attitudes to digital technology, found that less than a third (32%) of Irish SMEs can take sales orders or process transactions through their website. While almost 6 in 10 consumers (59%) say making online purchases is ‘important’ to them, a figure only set to increase given current government measures to mitigate the spread of Covid-19.

Guaranteed Irish is encouraging consumers to shop wisely online by looking out for businesses that carry the Guaranteed Irish licenced mark on their website and those with an .ie domain. As a direct result of making the choice to shop local, you are supporting local jobs in our communities throughout Ireland, building a sustainable local economy for the future of Ireland.

The cooperative initiative is also supported by Guaranteed Irish members Blacknight, Magico, AB Commerce, eShop World and Buymedia. All businesses extend their support and willingness to provide ecommerce supports to members that may wish to avail of digital tools and Web support services as they adapt their business offering to meet the growing demand amongst Irish consumers for online purchasing.

“This global pandemic has forced businesses that have procrastinated about e-commerce to go online to survive. Guaranteed Irish is encouraging all members to continue to trade and to reach out to other businesses and support services to help them engage online,” said Brid O’Connell CEO, Guaranteed Irish.

All businesses signing up to the TurboVoucher scheme will also receive membership to eCommerce Association of Ireland for the year. To register and for more information visit

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