GitHub dumps non-essential cookies

Codesharing site eliminates cookies related to tracking, advertising, other non-essential uses
Image: GitHub

18 December 2020

GitHub has removed all non-essential cookies from and its subdomains. The move is intended to protect privacy and prioritise the developer experience, the company said. Users will no longer see cookie banners on the popular codesharing site.

Describing cookie banners as “irritating,” GitHub decided to eliminate the use of “non-essential” cookies. As a result, the website will no longer send any information to third-party analytics services. GitHub also has maintained its policy of not using cookies to display ads or track users across other sites. Going forward, GitHub will only use cookies required for it to serve

Developers on GitHub and elsewhere have been bogged down with alerts, check boxes, and approval banners, GitHub said.




GitHub pointed out that European Union law has required the use of cookie banners if websites contain cookies not required for it to work. Common examples of these cookies are third party analytics, tracking, and advertising services. These services collect information about behaviour across the Web, store it in databases, and use it to serve personalised ads.

IDG News Service

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