European Commission

Europe sets the global bar with pioneering AI legislation

AI Act passes by 523 votes to 46
Image: Shutterstock

13 March 2024

European lawmakers today passed the EU AI Act, a landmark regulation on artificial intelligence (AI) by 523 votes in favour to 46 votes against, with 49 abstentions. The legislation, which takes a risk-based approach, will ban the most invasive tools and introduce immediate consequences for misuse. Companies have a two-year window to align with most regulations, facing potential fines of up to €35 million for breaches.

Under the new law, AI systems are sorted into categories based on their perceived risk to users and society. High-risk applications, such as those involving biometric identification or influencing human behavior, must meet rigorous requirements. These include transparency about the data used for training and a ban on generating illegal content. The law’s provisions safeguard fundamental rights while fostering innovation within a secure framework.

Enforcement is a cornerstone of the EU AI Act. The legislation sets out clear penalties for transgressions. Companies could be fined up to €35 million or 7% of their global revenue, whichever is higher. This stern approach reflects the EU’s determination to ensure that AI development and deployment align with its values and legal standards. The hefty fines are a deterrent aimed at preventing the misuse of AI technologies, such as indiscriminate surveillance or the erosion of privacy.

The new AI law, considered the first of its kind, introduces not only reshapes the European AI landscape but also signals a global benchmark. This regulatory move may prompt other regions to follow suit, creating a ripple effect that could lead to a worldwide framework for AI governance. The EU’s pioneering work sets a precedent that balances technological advancement with ethical considerations.

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