Eir invests €4m in retail refresh

Work on first round of stores in Dublin and Limerick near completion
Susan Brady, managing director of eir consumer and small business

25 August 2023

Eir has unveiled plans for a €4 million investment in its nationwide retail presence beginning with its store in Grafton Street, Henry Street, Ilac Centre, and Limerick’s O’Connell Street.

The new stores feature a modern design, state-of-the-art technology, and a number of changes to support a reduction in environmental impact. Heat mapping technology will be trialled in the busiest stores to gain insights into customer patterns and browsing habits to optimise display screen timings, with a view to reduce energy usage. The stores will also feature the latest technology in power-efficient lighting, and operate on a paperless basis, unless paper is required or requested by customers.

To date, eir’s ‘go paperless’ programme has resulted in a 92% reduction in paper usage across the network of more than 70 stores. 

The telco also annnounced the expansino its Age Friendly Care service to all its stores across Ireland, providing dedicated in-person customer care and technical support service to senior customers, aged 65 and over. The service, which was introduced two years ago in partnership with Age Action and Age Friendly Ireland, initially provided dedicated customer care and technical support service for older persons by phone. Since then, more than 65,000 calls have been received to the Age Friendly Care line, with eir building on this need to provide the option of in-person support. 

Susan Brady, managing director of eir consumer and small business, said: “At eir, our purpose of connecting for a better Ireland is at the heart of everything we do. We’re proud to announce this significant €4 million investment in our retail network and unveil our new look stores, which reflect our commitment to offering the best of modern retailing and in-store experiences.

“We are progressing the transformation work at pace to ensure minimum disruption for our customers. During the pandemic, we learned that our customers rely on our stores and in-person advice for more than just shopping.”

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