Business intelligence no longer the preserve of big corporates, says Exchequer’s Connor

Alan Connor, commercial director, Exchequer Software

13 February 2015

In our experience the latest trends in technology have offered a range of options for organisations that need to mix up their usual software deployments. Rather than being purely localised on a client’s network, or hosted solely on the web/cloud, companies can now choose between various technologies to enable staff to access their data and transact their business from locations and devices  that suit their own needs.


For example, a distribution company may need local software deployed on their own servers for accounts and stock control. They may need wireless handheld scanners for receiving and despatching products. They may also need tablet-, web- or laptop-based CRM for account managers on the road whether they need to connect remotely, or work offline and then re-sync when back in internet coverage. They might also need an e-commerce store for their reps or clients to place their orders or query their accounts, or possibly even a web or phone-based purchase/timesheet/employee expense approval workflows for staff who do not need to dial into the office. The hybrid that cloud or other technologies provide can offer you ‘a la carte’ options on the software you need, as and when, and how, you need it.

Now, more than ever we need to be able to manage all data and make every key element work for you.  Would you like to manage or report on wide and diverse elements of your business in one reporting tool? Such as, how long a sales rep spends on site or how long it takes for an order received from a rep, or website, to be picked, packed and ready for despatch, or when it went to the courier, or look at stock patterns or client profitability or client returns across all your multiple systems?

Companies are seeking more integrated solutions, whether through the one organisation such as Exchequer Business Management Solutions, or through a myriad of providers all now capable of sharing their data to dedicated business intelligence tools. Business intelligence is not just for the top 100 companies with a price tag to match, but can deliver real benefits for organisations of all sizes and complexities, with easy to use cost effective solutions.


Alan Connor is commercial director of Exchequer Software, Ireland


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